Regardless of whether you’re going to be studying in Brisbane or from your home country, you need to meet the minimum English language and academic requirements for the course you want to study. The Entry Requirement for all our ASG courses is:
We also administer a Language, Literacy & Numeracy test (LLN) during Orientation to ensure that you have the required LLN skills to Successfully complete your course. This assessment enables us to identify your individual learning needs and arrange/provide support to help you achieve your academic goals.
In determining your English language proficiency, ASG also accepts any of the following online tests, where you must achieve a minimum score of 80%:
Please note these do not replace the English proficiency requirements of your student Visa.
We also provide the option for you to complete the ASG online English test, at no charge. This free test is based on an upper intermediate level of English, and if you achieve a minimum score of 80% across each component of the test you will have demonstrated that you have the minimum level of English we require. If you are unable to complete the test or score lower than 80% you will be required to complete additional English language studies before commencing your course with Australian Skills Group.
Students who need to improve their English prior to commencing one of our courses can package an English Language course with one of our ELICOS partnered providers.
In order to undertake the test our enrolment team will enable you access to our test upon receipt of student application.
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