Licence to

Operate a Slewing Mobile Crane

(Over 100 Tonnes)


10 Days

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Licence to operate a slewing mobile crane

(Over 100 Tonnes)

The TLILIC0020 Licence to Operate a Slewing Mobile Crane (Over 100 Tonnes) unit specifies the skills and knowledge required to safely operate a slewing mobile crane with a capacity over 100 tonnes and includes how to plan work, conduct routine checks, set up crane, transfer load, mobile load and shut down and secure crane after completing operations.

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Slewing mobile crane means a mobile crane incorporating a boom or jib that can be slewed, but does not include:

  • a front-end loader, or
  • a backhoe, or
  • an excavator, or
  • other earth moving equipment, when configured for crane operation.

A person performing this work is required to hold a slewing mobile crane with an MRC over 100 tonnes HRWL.

This unit requires a person operating a slewing mobile crane with an MRC over 100 tonnes to:

  • plan for the work/task
  • prepare for the work/task
  • perform work/task
  • pack up.

Competence in this unit, does not in itself result in a High-Risk Work Licence (HRWL) to operate this plant.  A licence is obtained after competence is assessed under applicable Commonwealth, state or territory work health and safety (WHS) regulations.

Entry Requirements:

  • Minimum age 18 years
  • The ability to understand mathematical symbols and basic calculations
  • English speaking (no interpreter allowed) as per regulation 6.20 (d) is satisfied that the person has sufficient knowledge of the English language, both written and oral, to safely do work of that class

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10 Days

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